White House Puts Limits On FBI’s Kavanaugh Investigation: ReportsHuffPost Report: White House Is Controlling Who FBI Interviews in Kavanaugh InvestigationNew York Magazine FBI contacts Yale classmate of Kavanaugh as part of its investigationMinnesota Public Radio News White House Directs FBI to Interview First Two Kavanaugh Accusers, But Not the ThirdWall Street Journal Full coverage
Christine Blasey Ford’s sisters-in-law say Kavanaugh’s testimony was confusing and ‘belligerent’
Christine Blasey Ford’s sisters-in-law say Kavanaugh’s testimony was confusing and ‘belligerent’Washington Post Westchester woman was one of the women who confronted Sen. Jeff Flake on elevatorThe Journal News | LoHud.com ‘Look at me’: Watch sexual assault survivors corner Sen. Jeff Flake over Kavanaugh voteMiami Herald Full coverage
Bill Maher attacks Lindsey Graham for defending Kavanaugh, says senator needs ‘his dead boyfriend’ John McCain
Bill Maher attacks Lindsey Graham for defending Kavanaugh, says senator needs ‘his dead boyfriend’ John McCainFox News Maher Trashes Lindsey Graham: He Needs the ‘Stabilizing Influence of His Dead Boyfriend’Mediaite Full coverage
Kavanaugh vote: Senate Republican leaders agree to new FBI background investigation of Kavanaugh
Kavanaugh vote: Senate Republican leaders agree to new FBI background investigation of KavanaughWashington Post Cornyn: Senate SCOTUS vote to be delayed while FBI investigates KavanaughTexas Tribune Full coverage
Cornyn: Senate SCOTUS vote to be delayed while FBI investigates Kavanaugh
Cornyn: Senate SCOTUS vote to be delayed while FBI investigates KavanaughTexas Tribune Only the Truth Can Save Us NowNew York Times Brett Kavanaugh Discovers the Unfairness of the WorldThe Atlantic Full coverage